Team Photos
- Aquaponics Team
- SDH Green Roof Team
- SDH Heat Pump Team
- Waste Heat Team
- Hancock GHG Audit Team
- Stormwater Bioretention Team
- Carbon Footprint Team
- Composting Team
- EERC Solar Team
- Forestry Waste Audit Team
Tiny House Build Progress Pictures
- Tiny House Prospective Exterior
- Two team members holding a piece of the project
- Two team members work on a large piece together
- Three team members work on nailing down the project
- Three team members all using their brute strength
- Two team members working on a piece
- The team has combined some of their panels
- Two team members are working on a piece together
- The Tiny House team is smiling at their progress in building
- Two team members work precisely at measuring
- One team member is working on this piece
- Team members smiling for the camera as they continue building
- Two team members about to move this section
- One team member stretching to get those measurements
- Two team members are cutting pieces of wood
- The Tiny House team is moving along with their building process
- The Tiny House prospective interior