News greencampusmtu Meet our 2024 Green Campus Enterprise!🌱 Be on We had a blast at K-day, our first recruiting even GCE had a great time at Enterprise Day meeting pro GCE had fun curling last weekend! 🥌🥌🥌 Th Last week, we started our final presentations for On October 12th, we started this semesters team pr This semester, we're going to periodically take ti Along with our returning members, lots of new face We had a great time meeting a bunch of new faces a GCE had a great time at the Sustainability Expo at Interested in what Green Campus has been up to thi Happy syrup season everyone! Representing Green Campus at Spring FLARE was real Had a great time meeting all of you at Enterprise Some pictures from Green Campus' visit to the natu Over fall break Anna got to represent both MTU and Allison collaborated with the Sustainability Demon Can you find the Green Campus Enterprise members i Great to have some new faces to work on sustainabi Load More Follow on Instagram